Wheat-Thinopyrum introgression work wins prize for Niaz Ali, Hazara, Pakistan

Dr Niaz Ali, Hazara University, Mansehra, Pakistan works on the introgression of characters from alien species into wheat, having completed his PhD in Leicester in 2012 with Dr Trude Schwarzacher. He presented his PhD work at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Experimental Biology (SEB http://www.sebiology.org/meetings /Valencia/Programmes.html) in the session on Exploiting genetic diversity for…

Molecular Cytogenetics Group Members and Collaborators

Current group members and associates are (April 2024) Pat Heslop-Harrison Trude Schwarzacher Manosh Biswas Paulina Tomaszewska @dr_PTom Twitter / X Khawla Alwadani Lizo Masters Hess Ekkeh Maitham Al-Jalali DongLi Cui Close collaborators include Qing Liu, South China Botanical Gardens, Chinese Academy of Sciences Jenni Harikrishna, University of Malaya Katja Richert-Pöggeler, Julius Kuhn Institute, Braunschweig, Germany…

Alien chromosome introgression transferring characters into bread wheat

In situ hybridization is now widely used to identify the nature and size of chromosome, chromosome arm and chromosome segment introgressions from alien or wild species in plant breeding lines. The molecular cytogenetics research group has several projects investigating introgression of chromosomes into wheat from rye, Thinopyrum (2x and 6x), Aegilops and other species or…