Obituary for Dr Mark Goodwin

I am so saddened to write about the sudden death of my good friend, colleague and co-project leader, Mark Goodwin. We had very extensive common interests in the application and delivery of research for developing countries, research ethics, and in the role and importance of tertiary education and pedagogy. His inputs to my thinking about…

Herbert Macgregor 1933-2018: a personal tribute

My Tribute to Professor Herbert Macgregor (22nd April 1933 – 22nd July 2018) delivered at his Thanksgiving Service on 13th August 2018 I am humbled to be here today to pay tribute to the wonderful scientist, leader and mentor, Herbert Macgregor. As a fellow cytogeneticist, Herbert has been right at the top of my field,…

Pat Heslop-Harrison PI

Pat (JS) Heslop-Harrison is Professor of Plant Cell Biology and Molecular Cytogenetics at the University of Leicester, UK. He co-leads the research group investigating the genomics and evolution of the plants and animals with a focus on crops. He is involved with media presentations, gives strategic and policy input, and reviews research.