Wheat-Thinopyrum introgression work wins prize for Niaz Ali, Hazara, Pakistan

Dr Niaz Ali, Hazara University, Mansehra, Pakistan works on the introgression of characters from alien species into wheat, having completed his PhD in Leicester in 2012 with Dr Trude Schwarzacher. He presented his PhD work at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Experimental Biology (SEB http://www.sebiology.org/meetings /Valencia/Programmes.html) in the session on Exploiting genetic diversity for…

Trude Schwarzacher PI

Dr Trude Schwarzacher is a co-project leader of the Molecular Cytogenetics research group in the University of Leicester. Current research interests include: Wheat and related species I am studying introgression of alien chromosomes and introgression of alien chromosomes from wild species into bread wheat. In wheat and related species, we have found differences in cytosine…