Chloroplast genomes from apomictic Taraxacum – identity and variation between microspecies

Taraxacum or dandelion chloroplast sequence diversity. Salih et al. PLoS One 2017. 333. Salih RHM, Majeský L, Schwarzacher T, Gornall R, Heslop-Harrison P. 2017.  Complete chloroplast genomes from apomictic Taraxacum (Asteraceae): Identity and variation between three microspecies. PLoS ONE 12(2): e0168008. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0168008. Chloroplast DNA sequences show substantial variation between higher plant species, and less variation within…

Domestication, polyploidy and genomics of crops and weeds PAGXXV

Plant and Animal Genome Conference in San Diego #PAGXXV each January is the chance to join 3500 people working in genomics. I presented a talk on the molecular cytogenetics group’s work, starting with consideration of early stages of crop domestication, and then thinking about how we can make agriculture more sustainable. I also considered weeds,…