About MolCyt

This site, http://www.MolCyt.ORG, provides a content management system using WordPress for the www.MolCyt.COM research group homepage of the Molecular Cytogenetics group at the University of Leicester including Pat Heslop-Harrison and Trude Schwarzacher. It has posts about our publications, methods/techniques, press outputs, and people, as well as conference talks, teaching pages and discussions of results. Pat Heslop-Harrison, from September 2018, also leads the Plant Genome Evolution research group at the South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou and spends 20% of his time there.

CC-BY-SA You are encouraged to reuse material in this site with acknowledgement as appropriate (normally "from Pat Heslop-Harrison at www.molcyt.com")
CC-BY-SA You are encouraged to reuse material in this site with acknowledgement as appropriate (normally “from Pat Heslop-Harrison at http://www.molcyt.com”)

Material that is not otherwise restricted on the .org and .com sites is published on a CC-BY-SA basis: you can use any pictures and text with acknowledgement [Edit Jan 2013: NC condition removed]. There is some not otherwise published or preliminary scientific material which should be treated with normal scientific practices. (The molcyt.com material is that below http://www.le.ac.uk/biology/phh4/, the destination of http://www.molcyt.com.)

Like nearly all websites, both MolCyt.com and the WordPress sites use cookies and tracking, to monitor usage of webpages and deliver the content you want (and so you can go back on webpages etc.). Social media links and subscriptions to updates also possible to make from the site. You can modify your browser to decline or query cookies. By using these websites, you give consent to use the data you provide in this manner as above. More about cookies is given at www.allaboutcookies.org. Google and WordPress.com may serve advertisements; these are not controlled by us and we receive no funds/money from these adverts, but the companies fund their services to us with these (eg servers, connections etc.). The services of domain name registrations and redirections are personally paid-for by PHH.

The site is maintained by Pat Heslop-Harrison and Trude Schwarzacher, phh4(a)le.ac.uk or phh@molcyt.com . It is not refereed or approved. We welcome comments or suggestions.

EDIT Jan 2013: NC condition removed: the blog is now CC-BY-SA so you can sell the material or use it in material for sale, so long as it is acknowledged and the same sharing condition applies to any derivative material. I hope somebody can get rich!

EDIT September 2018@ add SCBG CAS link

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